M. Marvá, C.M. Vera, V.G. García-Garrido. R. Escalante. Individuals interference, species competition, and the Paradox of Coexistence. International Biomathematical Modeling Days, 2023 University Djillali Liabes, Algeria
C.M. Vera, M. Marvá, V.G. García-Garrido. R. Escalante. Modelling interference on interference competition models. 25th conference on Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2023 Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain.
M. Marvá. Competición de especies, interferencia entre individuos, coexistencia Seminarios del programa de doctorado del Departamento de Ciencias de Vida - Universidad de Alcalá. slides
C. Vera, M. Marvá, R. Escalante, V. García-Garrido, H.H. Castillo-Alvino (poster). On the Beddington DeAngelis competitive response 14th International conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences. 4-6 feb. Basque Center for Applied Mathematicas. Bilbao-Spain. poster
H.H. Castillo-Alvino, M. Marvá (poster). Limiting interference: the Lotka-Volterra competition model with Holling type II functional response 2nd BYMATH. 20 - 24 mayo 2019, ICMAT - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España.
M. Marvá, R. Bravo de la Parra, E. Sánchez, L. Sanz. Models of disease and competition Seminar at the Institute of complex systems. University of Osnabrück, Germany, 2019. Slides
H.H. Castillo-Alvino, M. Marvá (poster). Competing with group defense: the Lotka-Volterra competition model with Holling type IV functional response 10th International conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences. 3-6 feb. Universidad Federico II, Napoles-Italia
. Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Albacete, Noviembre
de 2016. Slides